Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Spy always has to ruin people’s day, even in death!
By , submitted by Armetron & Dr. Batman

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on April 10, 2012 · 1:46 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (134 votes, average: 3.71 out of 5)
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Awkward Moments, Head Shot, Off Duty, PC, Playstation, Storytime/Wordplay, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Video Clips, Xbox 360

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Alas, poor Yorick.. I barely knew y--oh hi Yorick! I was just mourning with your corpse! Didn't know we had our respawn time shortened!
*On the Plains of Dustbowl*
"To Uber, or not to Uber, that is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the server to suffer
The stickies and arrows of outrageous Lucksmanry
Or take overheals against a sea of Pyros
And by opposing end them? To Die: to sleep:
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The butt-hurt and the thousand pubescent rages
That F2P is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be voted for. To die, to respawn
"Standin' around like a bloody idiot!"
Never before have I seen a Gmod creation be so fluent.

May we humbly bow before your skill.
8 replies · active 674 weeks ago
....Good thing this is SFM then....
Technically Mr Max says that this is made in Source SDK and something called 3ds Max

Source SDK lets you import custom Source Engine content, 3ds Max is modeling software that he used to create the custom Medic body in the video, and it was filmed in Source Film Maker.

If you're going to correct someone, be right.
Gentlemen, gentlemen do calm down.

It's outdated, but you get the idea.
This isn't Source Filmmaker ;)
It's not SFM. It's animations made in 3DS Max then ported into gMod.
There was one other on this site a while ago. But I'm not sure if I dare mention it...
just watch some of Antoine35delak sometime, the man's g-mod animation is ridiculously skilled by any mortal's standards

This “Shakespeare” aptly named Shakespearicles is “the inventor of the two-story building, the stage play, America and the Rocket Launcher, has a powerful grasp on language and the ability to bench press 700 British pounds”.
5 replies · active 674 weeks ago
700 British pounds?!? That's like 140 Bison dollars!!!
Ok ok ok. This right here.

This is why Alpar has 100p plus guys.
This is the standard we have to hit.
>Implying that's the real Alpar.
Why are you calling yourself a fake, Alpar?
I know that the first Alpar is the real Alpar because he has a top hat :D
now Medic, we both know that's no way to get A HEAD in life.
2 replies · active 674 weeks ago
As long as you guys are making these goddamn head puns, this is the image that keeps appearing in my head, so I'll make sure it does for you all, too.
Medic: Is this a knife I see before me?
Spy: Nay, but 'tis one sticking out of your back!
To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the indignity of this server, or simply rage quit in light of my team's incompetence.
I can't really think of something "funny" to say. But I've always enjoyed Hamlet, it's my favorite Shakespeare play (I've only read about five though)
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
Then let me regale you with an excerpt from Da Tragedy of Hamlet, boss of Denmark"

"To chop or not to chop. Iz't more orky to chop from behind like Mork, or chop from in front like Gork? Or should I get a deffgun and dakka my muckin' to def? Oy, all dis Weird finking is very tirin', wish my gobbin' would shut it. All dem other Denmark orkz wiv their Waaaugh drive me mad sumfink awful! Who could stand all dis mukking about, an' stompin', and shootan', and squig-rot? Iz just easier to charge a humie 'ard-boyz an' end it! That would be proper orky! All dis finkin' just gets in da way of a proper Waaaugh and stops it dead!"
Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer because we're in Dustbowl and it's hot as hell out here.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
And all the scouts that loured upon our control point. In the deep bosom of Dustbowl buried.
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?"

Head crab spy.?
Lord! What fools these Scouts be...
Just imagine what else we could do with Shakespeare and Team Fortress 2.
"O Sandvich, Sandvich, wherefore art thou Sandvich?
Deny thy Medic and refuse thy team;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my health
And I'll no longer be a Red Heavy."
Surely, poetry of legends.
Well it is now technically 'Later'...
Hamlet and Eggs's avatar

Hamlet and Eggs · 674 weeks ago

Horatio Caine: "Looks like he couldn't.... get ahead of the competition."

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