Saturday, March 15, 2025

Commander V

Who needs a Guy Fawkes mask when you’re as naturally handsome as Shepard?
Submitted by Scootaloo

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 23, 2012 · 2:12 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (181 votes, average: 4.49 out of 5)
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BioWare, Creepy/Spooky, Disguises, Mass Effect, Movies, No Caption Needed, PC, Playstation, Under Construction, Xbox 360

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Salutations! In sight, a humble stifling Spectre cast superfluously as both savage and superhero by the shifting of fate. This semblance, no mere shield of smugness, is a suspicion of the socialites, now solitary, subsided. However, this strong sojourn of a bygone slur stands stimulated and has sworn to subvert these snide and sullen spiders spearheading squalor and staking the severely sinful and starved strikes of sprightliness! The only solution is sabotage; a squabble held as a spur, not in shyness, for the sense and sincerity of such shall one day substantiate the sharp and the spotless. Surely, this splash of styling swivels most succinct, so let me simply add that it's my sudden good honor to meet you and you may call me "Shepard".
11 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Remember, remember the Valorous Commander. The Cerberbus treason and plot. I can think of no reason why the why the Cerberus Treason should ever be forgot.
Speaking of ME....

1 reply · active 676 weeks ago

Oh man.... he looks like he's made of clay... he'd be a villain in a freaking Wallace and Gromit short... *KEEPS LAUGHING*
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
just me or guy fawks made shep into a cartoonish villain?
3 replies · active 676 weeks ago
This would make for one of the most entertaining run-throughs of Mass Effect ever.
AGH, Reapers I plead you, KILL HIM FASTER!!
There is nothing NATURAL looking about that humani's face.
He looks so happy :3
I totally just woke up from a dream that I was saving the universe from reapers, it was fun.
Hey you.
Yeah, you.
Make a clever or lame joke about how Scootaloo writes a comic about cats who play video games. Because I can't think of anything funny. And "Scott-a-loooooo!" isn't as funny as it sounded in my head.
2 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Great now he's staring into my soul EVEN MORE.
Scott doesn't have anything to do does he?
I know, since you also apparently have nothing to do Shawn, you two should hang out.
2 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Well, Shepard has joined Anonyomous.

Goodbye Council.

11 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Lord Pickle's avatar

Lord Pickle · 675 weeks ago

you really have to post the code that you used to make that
Mrjoker1000's avatar

Mrjoker1000 · 676 weeks ago

can you put how to make it, like the line of the caracteristics
You could have at least given us the character code. :(
I would like a face code for this. Totally using it for my Renegade Shep.
BlackDragon's avatar

BlackDragon · 677 weeks ago

That is AWESOME! Whoever made that needs to post the Face ID Code so I can recreate that look for my own Renegade-run. :D
Darth_Volus's avatar

Darth_Volus · 677 weeks ago

Except this guy actually succeeded in blowing up the council/parliament
It's 2 in the morning and I'm laughing so hard, I think I woke everyone up. Thanks.

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