Don’t be a lovelorn dragonborn!
Artist unknown, submitted by Sadface

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Categories: Artistic, Bethesda, Here There Be Dragons, Holidays, Shields Up, The Elder Scrolls, True Love, Valentine's Day ![]() · Leave a comment (56 Comments) ![]() |
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(wish I had thought of this earlier, but)
Well Shawn… I guess Wolf interfered with your server move?
*looks at related entries*
shawn, falcon punching everything won't solve all of life's problems. falcon punching the old servers because the new ones sucked won't make the old ones better.
this lame comment was posted just to see if guest comments work, because i can't bother making an account when i just want to lurk :D
Is the image broken for anyone else, or just me?
The picture is broken just like my heart on valentines day.
Just kidding, I have no heart.
This image is like my mind: Missing and probably in a jar somewhere.
Methinks the image took an Arrow to the knee. <brik'd>
<img src=http://t.qkme.me/3633b9.jpg>
<img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/34fmu6w.jpg" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic" border="0">
My Valentine's day in a nutshell
rel="nofollow">…Meanwhile in Shawn's office
This valentines day, give something special to your loved one.
Like a red x on a napkin within a large rectangular indent.
Your html-fu is weak, young grasshoppers. ;)
I used to be single, just like you, but then I took an arrow in the heart.
And now I'm dead.
<img src="http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j394/Jirogasa/fuckitall.png" height="300" width="300">
We just had single awareness day.
Happy single's awareness day.
Here's the OG artist of those Skyrim v-day cards
You just better hope gg-guys doesn't find out about that last one…
<img src="http://www.gg-guys.com/img/comic/136.jpg" height="30%" width="75%">
Valentines Day.
A day that reminds Nobodies that they do not have hearts.
"then I took an arrow to the heart"
At least you HAVE one!
Yeah…I got nothing.
What is this love?
Is that something you can buy on Amazon?
Haha, these are awesome. I bet they'd be perfect to give to my girlfriend.
My girlfriend.
<img src="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/239/d/f/forever_alone_by_foreveraloneplz.png">
I meant to give someone my heart on Valentine's Day.
Sadly, I couldn't resist adding some… let's call them "bonus features" to the cloned organ, and well long story short I ended up spending most of Valentine's Day alone again burying a body.
I think I should be concerned that there's always an empty grave in the same spot every year…
Assuming Kotaku is to be believed;
"Jemma Salume is the artist behind these adorable cards, which while dabbling in established memes, also go the other way and ignore the Jarls and heroes of Skyrim in favour of…Belethor."
My valentine's day went like this:
Woke up.
Had some coffee.
Realized I'm still single because I haven't been looking for a girlfriend.
Had some coffee.
Kicked myself for not going out and socializing enough.
Had some coffee.
Got lost in thought.
Had some coffee.
Read a couple chapters of Dune.
Had some coffee.
Listened to some Frank Sinatra.
Had some coffee.
Realized it was past 5pm.
had some Irish Coffee.
Had a shot of Tequila.
had more Irish Coffee.
Had Coffee flavored milk and rum,
Had some coffee.
Practiced jewelry making because it's a soothing hobby,
fell asleep with a woven copper ring with a sterling chain rim in my hand.
so how many ppl will post the "forever alone"?
Link to artists DA page
I love the comments .. :)
Is it just me
or does Alduin actually look attractive?
Also, screw women!
Both metaphorically and physically.
artist is "eatfun" at deviantart. there's more of them, too.
This is the artist on dA: http://eatfun.deviantart.com/
Also, she's made four more since these came out.
this is the artist
Oxboxer from tumblr