Even in video games… SO MANY HIIIPSTEEEERSSS
By Dorkly, submitted by smashpro1
Posted by Shawn Handyside on January 23, 2012 · 7:50 PM |
Categories: Chillaxin', Cray-Z Crossovers, G-g-g-ghost!, Hipsters, Irony, Nintendo, Off Duty, PC, Retro, SNES, Super Mario Bros, Super Meat Boy, Team Meat, Time Travel, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 107 Comments |
I'd rather save the "jumping" for my girlfriend, ifyouknowhatimean…
Nintendo game?
Oh, you mean the playing cards.
He stops at nothing to get to the princess. He's faced Dragon Turtles in the bowels of hell. He's faced Large Frogs in his sleep with veggies. He faced…the turtle several times after that. And now he faces his greatest threat.
Super Mario Mario in…
This time, he's going underground.
Too mainstream?
Bitch please.
Hipsters, you say? http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/540
Oh, you mean Jumpman.
Now do a video like this with modern FPS games.
<img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/2d1pt6s.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
I hated hipsters before it was mainstream.
"You see, when I get told that the princess is in another castle, i'm being told that by a brown dinosaur. It's meant to be ironic, you wouldn't understand."
Mario games? I remember playing those on my Virtua Boy
Also, feel free to keep plugging my Twitter.
<img src="http://g.static.memegenerator.net/cache/instances/400x/12/13241/13559069.jpg">
Mario is too mainstream, that's why I play Sonic. He's totally " rel="nofollow">underground.
Uhm… fix the forum?
<img src="http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100830030349/mspaintadventures/images/9/9e/Eridan_Ampora.png"/>
Goddamn lousy stupid hipsters. I mean, even Homestuck, that made SPARKLY VAMPIRES COOL, can't make hipsters likeable. Not that it tried, though.
Mario is so badass, he's been saving bitches since before his own games.
<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/3f/Donkey_Kong_NES_Screenshot.png/200px-Donkey_Kong_NES_Screenshot.png">
I used to drink my coffee, before it was cool.
Dont you guys know?
<img src=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxpr46acbI1qgs9j4o1_400.jpg>
indy games are cool. that much i agree
by the way, im still waiting for super meat boy on my wii
Braid's for hipsters?
You can't jump off a god damn cliff without landing on someone who enjoys Braid.
I liked Jumpman before he was cool.
Getting +1's
1. make a post demanding the forums be fixed
2. ???
3. PROFIT!!!
<img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/102wp74.jpg">
Became addicted to Super Meat Boy a month ago.
It was mentioned again.
Let's play a game. Finish this song based solely on what it references.
"What is this place filled with so many hipsters?"
I'm asking for trouble aren't I?
<img src="http://imgur.com/RIqR2.jpg">
Soooo…who's the black shadow-lookin' dude? I'm clearly too mainstream to understand.
We should encourage hipsters to stop breathing. Breathing is too mainstream.