Thursday, March 27, 2025

Are you really only ten years old?

Sometimes math just doesn’t apply to the world of Pokemon!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 30, 2011 · 6:34 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (354 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5)
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Anime, Artistic, Highly Illogical Captain, Nintendo, Pokémon, Science/Math, Sequential Art, TV Shows

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"You're impossibly fast. As if you've pressed 'B' your entire life. And strong. Your skin is... the same shade throughout all seasons. Your eyes suddenly change... and sometimes you speak like - like you have a different voice actor. You never eat or drink anything; you never change your clothes. How old are you?"


"How long have you been ten?"

"...a while."

"I know what you are."

"Say it... out loud. Say it."

"Pokemon trainer."
14 replies · active 690 weeks ago
He swallowed an Everstone.
3 replies · active 690 weeks ago
I know what you stole Ash, and you probably should return it.
6 replies · active 690 weeks ago
Cave Johnson here! So, lab boys have been experimenting with time manipulation on lab mice. Turns out time manipulation turns mice yellow, and big, and cause massive discharges of static electricity. Didn't see that one coming. Egg heads tell me it's not a good idea to keep a time distorting rodent around all our other experiments, so we've sealed the little guy up in a patented Aperture monster capsule and shipped him off to another lab FAAAAR away from here. It was a hell of a struggle getting him in there, I'll tell you what. But what's important is that dangerous creature is out of our hands and Aperture won't face any lawsuits for his creation. Remember, it's not our problem!
Cave Johnson, we're done here.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
I really hope he's taken his mother's advice and changed his underwear.
Don't even ask about Pikachu's level.
5 replies · active 690 weeks ago
Wrong! Ash is 11

In the Pikachu short from the 3rd movie, Ash actually has a party to celebrate the fact that its been a whole year since he first met Pikachu,
8 replies · active 686 weeks ago
I was going to point out how calm she looks with her head exploding, but then I realized that's probably the most accurate expression when your brain is being torn to shreds by improbable logic.
I think Pokemon is a pretty cool guy. Eh defies logic and doesnt afraid of anything.
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
Bart Simpson has him beat.
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
ash is part timelord
5 replies · active 690 weeks ago
It's a simple explanation. He is as timeless as the Pokemon series.
My theory was always that Ash has been severely electrocuted so often - not to mention burned, frozen, lacerated and actually killed at least twice - that his glands don't function properly anymore.
and Brock is still a massive pervert.
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
he must of been -4 when he started traveling
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Obligatory, Are you a boy or a girl.
Overcome the impossible and kick reason to the curb!
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
Fuck math.
They need to make a hardcore Pokemon anime like some of the manga for us who grew up with it, still love it, but hate the stupid ten year old jokes, and the fact that no one learns ANYTHING!
7 replies · active 690 weeks ago
I think...and follow me on this one...Ash is a figment of Pikachu's imagination. The entirety of the show is a coping mechanism of the only human level intelligence Pokemon in existence as he deals with Professor Oak's experiments.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Ash debunks everything I study for...
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
Iris used Explosion!

This guy has been one for over a decade.
At least he's not a 100 year old virgin.
This is made in Japan right? Where 29-year olds are often portrayed as 8 year olds, and vice versa? I see no problem here.
So, how old does that make Gary?
3 replies · active 690 weeks ago
mmmmm... Ash not aging has only one meaning... he has FAIRY-GOD-PARENTS!!
This is why I stopped watching the show. Well, that and the intelligence reset.
In Soviet Pallet Town boys don't age while travelling, they just get younger.
~(O head_explode O)~
I firmly believe there is a lost episode where Ash finds the Fountain of Youth
The stuff that this guy makes is genius.
You're all wrong.

The Pokemon world is a massive hell hole of anti-aging people.
Man seriously, come on Japan, even in there people have GOT to age one day.
What is the big deal with how old he is? Ash is 10 years old because the show is meant for 10-year-old kids. (Although you can never be too old for pokeomon). The show would lose it's child-like wonder if Ash grew up.
10 replies · active 690 weeks ago

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