Do it for your country! Or at least for Reliable Excavation & Demolition!
By Zwebbie, submitted by Issac E. and Alex D.

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Categories: Artistic, Gentlemen, Political, Retro, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment (107 Comments) ![]() |
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That Heavy is a Christopher Walken!
Okay… where do I sign?
Join R.E.D. in the hunt against ftp-ers, first 500 people to join up get a uncle sam cap.
anyone find it ironic that the Heavy, who's Russian, during the Cold war, and has been hinted at as being soviet, is wearing an uncle sam hat
Unfortunately he joined as…
<img src=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_A43_VycmIcU/SfcPsQmFqFI/AAAAAAAAB1o/cKc1urxu0y0/s400/combat+medic+poster+narrower+small.png>
Well at least Heavy wore lipstick for his photo shoot…
Snipers and Engineers man. Goddam
Me: Anyone else think maybe we don't need 4 engineers?
Me: Anyone? No? Guess I'm just crazy then…
Is it funny that the heavy looks more trustworthy than the uncle same picture?
I would rather have 6 snipers who can do damage than have 6 spies who don't know how to backstab.
You know… I WAS going to play one of the 50 games I haven't beaten on Steam due to Steam sales or any of my Gamecube games I haven't beaten yet (I'm a gen behind. =P) But now I want to play Medic in Team Fortress 2….. drat. I AM ZE UBERMENCH
Are you telling me that…6 snipers is not the best setup for this team?!
<img src="http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad17/mentlegen1/sniperfield.png">
And NO, playing as a spy disguised as a medic does NOT count
I want that hat for my Heavy now.
Need a version for Spies and Scouts too.
Joins as Medic: Heals team mates, gets screamed at for not healing everyone running everywhere all at once.
People blatantly run past as I'm desperately trying to blast down a spy that missed the backstab chance with the syringe gun.
Forget to spycheck 1 time, start to heal spy, stop within moments. People screaming again.
Switch to Pyro, enjoy game.
Fine. But I want you to pay attention to your goddamn medic. We don't like getting jumped from behind by <insert any combat class here> and die with 97% uber.
Wait a sec. Our team only has two sni-*backstab*
We also don't need four Spies, no Medics, x+5-ing Scouts, BlackBox/Direct Hit Soldiers, Engis that unsap before killing, Demospam, W+M1ing Pyros, and stupid Heavies.
…but all of that is a problem in the past. Now we are facing a more difficult crisis.
In the words of the Mighty Gummy: "Why are there three snipers not doing anything on our team? We don't need three snipers!"
Does he have Lipstick on?
Team full of snipers? Bad idea.
Team full of heavies? Best idea! http://www.halolz.com/2010/08/02/video-the-heavy-…
Eh… Snipers gonna Snipe
Weeeell, I could….. but sometimes its just fun to play as spy and sneak into engie nest, jump onto dispenser and "Battle Cry" for maximum pant wettingness
Good thing he's pointing with 1 finger. If he'd used two, the poster would kill you when you stood in front of it.
As soon as I saw this I knew I had to make it.
The only reason Uncle Heavy wants you is so somebody can watch Sasha.
Stacking one class only works if the other team is doing the same thing.
This is officially going to be my new tf2 spray.
I am surprised the blue team doesn't just quit out of fear of all of the jarate the sniper team has… /shudder
…unless they equip Machina…
<img src="http://www.gamesprays.com/images/icons/sniper_wars_icon1357.jpg" /img> <a href=" rel="nofollow">” target=”_blank”> rel="nofollow">
Oh shut up and eat your sandvich. I've got to get more kills for my strange weapons. </sarcasm>
Uncle Heavy looks like he's wearing lipstick. CAN'T UNSEE.
Use as spray, watch team rage . . .
and this is why the medic has the most play time while the sniper sits at the bottom.
But In Soviet Russia, Medic Plays YOU!
I'd listen to him if he was wearing more hats.
I got about 8 hours as Medic on my stats, and about 1.5 hours as pyro, my second most played class.
Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is there a tinge of blue in that RED team poster?
I think you spelled my name wrong. It's Isaac E. not Issac E.
*Plays a sniper anyways*
Yesterday I was playing a 12x12 match, and we had 6 spies, thats much better than 6 snipers
<img src="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll208/masked-avenger/Untitled-1-1.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
True story
I wont join your communist RED party!
B L U! B L U!
I'm coming in your base, in your game, for your hats.
can you stop me?