Come on guys… don’t surrender that LoL match! Just think of Heimerdinger!
By CrazyBorisProduction, submitted by Crazy Boris!

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Categories: Animated, League of Legends, Musical, Strike A Pose, TV Shows, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment (65 Comments) ![]() |
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This inspires me to play League of Legends
*Starts up game*
*Remembers I suck*
A proper response to this post?
<img src=http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldp3jukzHo1qb9a2wo1_500.png>
Corki FTW.
Most dangerous midget with heavy weapons.
I know nothing about League of Legends…
so here's a picture of orks lootin' the golden throne:
<img src="http://www.deviantart.com/download/57912723/Looted_Golden_Throne_by_Jaekyu.jpg" height="500" width="500">
Heimerdinger is on the other team…. that's why their losing
I've never played LoL, so I have no idea what Bearded Marth, Captain Blubba, and Successful Troll are singing about in this video.
heimdinger meet kog'maw and xerath…two people would can shoot past your tanks and your turrets
<img src="http://itsnothax.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/KogMaw.jpg">
<img src="http://www.gamersdailynews.com/userfiles/image/2011/October/Xerath_Splash_0.jpg">
Needs more swords.
When I saw another LoL post i was just gonna toss my laptop out the window but then I noticed something…
<img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/mwwjmt.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
This is certainly a GRAVE situation.
Good thing they turned it around, or else they would have been GANGPLANKED.
…That last one was a stretch. I'm just SION.
…Now I need to rewatch the South Park movie…
now this is something I find difficult to redfield to
I have a felling it will be done anyway…
It's funny because heimerdinger sucks horribly right now, even more so by the time you COULD surrender……
What would Heimerdinger do? Ask him yourself, it's not like he's dead or anything. <.<
Either a -1 troll is around, or Shawn is pissed at all of you…
A -1 troll approaches from the east!
Man, sometimes I think the same thing, of course, I prefer HoN, so it's more of What Would Swiftblade do. Which is spin uncontrollably for a few seconds, then leave. True words that I take to heart.
I can't think of any pictures to make this comment funnier, but then i thought:
<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3225/3125936268_d71b8a90a1_o.jpg">
The joke
My head.
I sure hope there aren't a Zilean of these.
I don't play LOL so I don't get the joke. But I watched anyway because Heimerdinger is a funny name.
What would heimerdinger do? He'd probably stroll around casually with his bouncy brain hair building turrets, shooting rockets, and throwing grenades just like any other respectful gentleman.
Heimerdinger plays team fortress 2! 0_0
Chris Heimerfield anyone? http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1982/heimeredf…
I thought it was gonna be a boring LoL joke that I don't understand and don't want to.
Then I watched and realized it was a South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut reference.
<img src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/082/547/EWBTE.png?1318992465" />
Is there a term for being the opposite of a hipster? Where you're left on the outside of all the trends? That's about how I feel now. ._.
That was so full of "wut" that it was awesome.
But it needs more Kog'Maw and Singed.
Off Topic: Someone should totally mod Singed's Poison Gas to be TROLOLOLOLOL instead.
Heimerdinger would sit there behind his turret nest and hope you would die before you got to him.
According to my LoL experiences what Heimer would actually do is suck, feed, blame his teammates, then refuse to surrender.
"I never asked for this team."
<img src="http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad17/mentlegen1/nevershopedthis.png">
"In fact, I just joined solo queue…"
I know nothing of LoL, but I got the joke.
Well played.
Now that I've seen this…I cant help but think someone is eventually going to make a Yorick Roll video.
Not sure why i want to support suicide?
Yeah, only problem is, Heimer sucks atm. Oh well.
Better nerf Irelia.