Go ahead, cosplay that. I DARE YOU.
Found by nchammer326

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Categories: Bad Ideas, Fashion Faux Pas, Overkill, Square Enix, Swordplay, Uncategorized, Weird ![]() · Leave a comment (139 Comments) ![]() |
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<img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfp2hoS7xu1qc9f5v.jpg">
They're also missing the annoying emotions…
Kinda want that pizzacutter sword.
I was going to jokingly post "Are you a boy, or a girl?" but I realized that I actually couldn't tell. >_<
He/she's not even close. For starters, where is his/her massively pointy hair? He/she's got nothing on Cloud.
<img src="http://images.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/9857162.jpg">
I also like how Shawn tagged Square Enix… I would say there should be more companies but… rel="nofollow"> I can't.
:O You are
overencumbered and
cannot run.
I now have this incredible urge to play Phantasy Star Ø.
<img src="http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kt6ovnk0LF1qzp9weo1_400.jpg">
Legitimate dialogue in game:
Sarisa: "Hey! That's off limits! Ah! Ah ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha! Stop it! Th-That tickles! I-I'm gonna pee!"
Your available responses:
"I wish I had popcorn."
"I'll save you!"
Needs more leather and angst.
NOT NEARLY ENOUGH BELTS. He's got nothin' on Haseo. http://dothack.neoseeker.com/w/i/dothack/e/e5/Has… I count at least 16 belts on this guy.
I KNOW I've seen this image before…
Interesting that they would make the sword phallic shaped with a protagonist who could easily be passed off for a girl.
<img src="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091219164743/earthbound/images/thumb/3/30/Lucas_2_0_by_FlintofMother3.jpg/427px-Lucas_2_0_by_FlintofMother3.jpg" />
"This is the genre I'm placed in?"
taking the outfit off
<img src="http://www.cosplay.ph/resume/costume/6426.jpg">
Fuck, that's a ridiculously flamboyant outfit.
Fuck, I wanna play that game.
I laughed and now I feel quilty that, so far, I'm the only person who's posted with a character from a standard JRPG as an avatar.
That is not a badass beret. It is actually a baseball hat. Backwards.
Not only is that thematically wrong, it is totally lame.
I just realized… Shawn didn't put the Halolz.com watermark on the picture.
He, too, was gender confused.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 was a fun game
They forgot to put zippers on his hat though :P
<img src="http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Donald_Duck_03.jpg">
Everythings better with zippers
Anyone else notice that the sword is at least as large as this character? Which raises the question of how he is holding a blade that is like 5x his weight with no visible muscle tone to speak of…..
What about blue hair? You gotta have blue hair! Oops, I think I am thinking about Japanese cartoons, not JRPG's.
(Too late for Home Star Runner references?)
Thankfully, there are a couple JRPGs that don't take costume design so far. I always thought the Golden Sun characters looked okay.
I just spent 5 minutes trying to find all 4 belts… I could only count 2, unless that ripped up green thing counts as one.
I'd try to trade for his hat, he clearly has enough scrap metal on himself to be set for life.
Doesn't have enough belts and still looks too much like a guy.
<img src=http://gamesareevil.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/JRPG-Characters.jpg>
"Go ahead, cosplay that. I DARE YOU."
Challenge Accepted
<img src="http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/480/22301010150745183695174.jpg">
Right hand glove is wrong. Missing the ladybug. Book doesn't have the spires on it and is hanging off the wrong belt. Neither sword is done.
I can be critical because that's me.
Hellooooooo, Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to another exciting round of…
It's funny how complicated the costumes are for sprite based games. It almost seems like they get away with more here.
Also next up needs to be an analysis of the average Space Marine clone, and possibly either an explanation of why they haven't focused on making stronger armor so much as they have figured out how to stuck a whole truck that barely seems to protect them on them as well as why they can't seem to figure out how to operate a helmet.
Sad Truth: She probably has higher defense than him with that on.
I just made an account right this second to state that this character appears to be heavily based of of Rue from Threads of Fate for the PS1.
Little did people know that these were character designs of Team Fortress 3…
<img src=http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/014/903/Dundunduncurses.gif?1251939527>
If my concept artist tried to make that, I'd probably fire him.
If he tried to take it to court, I'd use that as evidence that he's been taking drugs at work.