Sure, there are plenty of in-game video game marriage proposals out there… but how many do you know that feature three new Portal 2 test chambers and some completely new GLaDOS dialogue by the original voice actress? That’s right none… until now!
By rocketrascal34, submitted by Sadface [via Kotaku]

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Categories: Lasers, PC, Playstation, Portal, Science/Math, True Love, Valve Software, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment (66 Comments) ![]() |
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And then she said no….
edit: okay did anyone else get chills then Exile Vilify Started playing?
beautiful, it is a FIRST to see something this amazing, that is fan made, *sniff*
Well, I can't think up a joke, so I'll just fall back on ol' reliable.
First Rooster Teeth and now this?
What is this, the summer of epic video game proposals and manly tears?
'Cause, you know, that'd be awesome.
Best wishes, Stefanie and Gary, and good luck on the long journey that is the ultimate form of co-op and multiplayer, with a campaign that neither of you will forget as long as you live.
I suppose she'll agree.
For science.
You monster.
I look forward to seeing how creatively the ensuing restraining order is served.
They better use these wedding rings: <img src="http://i.imgur.com/qCleH.jpg" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" />
I hope he remembered to take out the "Want You Gone" song at the end.
This was a triumph!
So will there be Wedding Cake?
Now, you know how there was a shortage of humans? *glados dims lights and plays smooth jazz* We've got a lot of testing to do, Stephanie.
Let's see if Black Mesa can top that!
awwwww! that was cute =)
Way to go over the top! No nerdy girl could refuse a proposal of that quality!
So he got the first candidate for GLaDOS, neat.
… Okay, I admit. I "awww'd" towards the end.
Congratulations to Gary and Stephanie!
May you two test happily ever after.
*sniff* I'm not crying. I… I just got some repulsion gel in my eye.
Hmmm… a heart has shaped itself on the floor… OH GOD! HE WANTS TO DEVOUR YOUR HEART STEPHANIE! RUN! RUN!!!!
I for one, while happy over the joyous occasion of two people of whom I have never met, am saddened by the fact that I must find a way to top that if I were ever to propose.
Portal 2
Now available for weddings, birthdays, and bar mitzfahs.
…oh right, also for PC and Mac.
I tried a wedding proposal using a mod of Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2. I can't believe I was rejected. At least it lasted longer then that time I tried to propose with a mod of Custer's Revenge.
Ba'ww and awesomeness
Stephanie… that's a strange name for a guy to have.
<img src="http://operatorchan.org/t/arch/src/t198629_sad%20applause.gif">
You are all forgetting a very important fact:
<img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Dd3X3Srvkuk/So360zY_TSI/AAAAAAAAAZg/4V0t6vOwnio/s400/game over.jpg" alt="Angry face">
Once you are married,
it's game over.
Ellen McLain is GLaDOS' voice actor, not Rachel van der Meer. However, she did an excellent job imitating Ellen, and for that I must tip my hat to her.
I feel bad for all the unwed guys out there cause the bar has just been raised.
By the power vested in me, Cave Johnson, I now pronounce you man and wife.
We're done here.
Hope neither of them 'cheat'