Thursday, March 13, 2025

Grand Theft Artoo

That little droid has been all across the galaxy… it’s actually kind of surprising no one’s just picked him up and walked off with him.
[via GameFreaks]

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on May 6, 2011 · 12:22 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (197 votes, average: 3.15 out of 5)
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Cover Art, Grand Theft Auto, Movies, Playstation, Robots, Rockstar, Star Wars

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But Shawn, the Jawas did just pick Artoo up and walk off with him - in the first twenty minutes of the first movie!
3 replies · active 722 weeks ago
You are technically correct. THE BEST KIND OF CORRECT!

*awards SirNumel a +1*
Well, a thing to remember, in Grand Theft Auto you don't play as a car, you play as a guy who steals cars. Therefore, in this, you must play as a guy who steals R2 Units.
It's about time they made a Star Wars game where you play as a Jawa.
Poor little R5... getting 15 seconds in the spotlight to die in a blaze of glory.

At least Gonk will be remembered.
(Phone rings)
"I say Artoo, it is me, your constant friend and companion C-3PO! Would you like to go bowling?"
(Angry series of whistles and beeps)
"Very well, Artoo, some other time perhaps."
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
Roman: COUSIN! Lets go bowling!
Niko: For the last time Roman, I don't want to go FUCKING bowling!!!
You should see the achievement list on this game:
>Steal the Plans and escape the Star Destroyer. (100G)
>Push a Protocol Droid off a small ledge. (90G)
>Drag the severed head of a Protocol Droid several metres. (20G)
>Know everything about the Clone Wars and Anakin Skywalker yet never tell Luke Skywalker about it. (9001G)
Among others.
5 replies · active 722 weeks ago
How does one put a troll face on a astromech droid?

or other picture editor
If memory serves correctly, he can't be blamed for not telling since he couldn't remember after having his memory wiped at the end of Episode 3.
Wrong, sir, wrong! If I remember correctly, it was only C-3PO who got his mind wiped by the end of Episode 3!

...if I am wrong, someone slap me in the face.
Actually, you are correct.
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
One star=A storm trooper coming after you
Two stars=A few storm troopers
Three stars= They start coming in vehicles
Four stars=TIE fighters start to shoot at you
Five stars=The Death Star blows up whatever planet you happen to be on at the time
2 replies · active 722 weeks ago
And what happens if there are six stars?
You have to divide by zero to get six stars. And if you do that, whoever comes after you is the least of your worries.
Cloud City Stories
Fitting, the only games for the PS3 are imaginary.
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
Grand Theft Artoo comes exclusively on PS3 with a Password and Credit Card Hacker!
I wonder how the multiplayer would be, oh wait it's still down!
Jackin' cars in the stars.
Killin' whores during wars.

Grand Theft Artoo in two lyrics.
Why do I think that Artoo just had "They See Me Rollin'" playing in his head since he left his docking station on the Naboo Cruiser?
"This is all your fault!"
"...they hatin'"
"Artoo? ARTOOOO!? Where are you!?"
"Ride clean as hell so I pull in ladies..."
"Yub Yub, meecha co yub yub!"
"They see me-...Oh that's it!" *self destructs taking the whole damn village*
Don't do it, Artoo! In the words of the highly-esteemed Admiral Ackbar...

It's only fitting that the final mission have to do with facing Vader. I mean he worked with the guy for years, helped build him up into a position of power, and then the two are on opposing sides of war.
Darth Vader chokes a security guard. "What have you done with the personal data I entered into the Playstation Network?"
Dear Darkangelsv1,

*SLAPS* R2 and C3PO were abducted in episode 4 shortly after escaping the clutches of Darth Vader by the Jawas. R2 not only got "fixed" by the Jawas but also got zapped before he was "fixed". Electrocution tends to have a negative effect on a lot of things; oddly enough, electronics are included in that list.

Oh yeah, and to my knowledge it is never specified that Luke actually learns to properly communicate with R2. C3PO is a walking translator after all... Kind of need it when one of your best friends is higher than Michael Jackson in tight pants... *FLEES*

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