Friday, March 14, 2025

Excursion Funnels
Excursion Funnel – Click here to zoom!

Pneumatic Diversity Vent
Pneumatic Diversity Vent – Click here to zoom!

Aperture Science appreciates your willingness to take part in our highly rigorous testing procedures! Be assured, any and all sacrifices you will make during this testing phase will aid the progress of science. Of course failure to comply with Aperture testing protocols may result in sudden onset of sleep, nasuea or sudden cases of death.
Source of these blueprints are unknown, possibly official wallpapers?

Thermal Discouragement Beam
Thermal Discouragement Beam – Click here to zoom!

Thermal Discouragement Beam
Repulsion Gel – Click here to zoom!

Aerial Faith Plate
Aerial Faith Plate – Click here to zoom!

Propulsion Gel
Propulsion Gel – Click here to zoom!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on April 15, 2011 · 6:17 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (90 votes, average: 4.41 out of 5)
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Aerial Maneuvers, Bad Ideas, PC, Playstation, Portal, Robots, Science/Math, Serious Business, Valve Software, Xbox 360

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All that i can think of when i see those little Valve stick/paper guys is this...

What could be more epic then a Paper Mario/ Portal crossover?
5 replies · active 725 weeks ago
mamma mia! now ima thinkin with portals!

im italian, i am allowed to say that shit!
Just like, since I'm Jewish and German, I get to make the "How many Jews can you fit in a car?" joke!
For the record, it depends on the size of the ashtray.
i have a friend who is black, asian, white, and hispanic... the terrible terrible things that that guy says... as white guy i can only smile and nod
"as white guy i can only smile and nod "
I was trying to ignore the lack of shift KEY i's, but then I read this and I was like fuck it I'm calling him out on grammar mistake.
New background.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
*Meanwhile, at Aperture Science*
*Spit take*
Another blueprint leak!?!
*Goes onto PA*
Let it be known that here at Aperture Science, that we are working on a number of other projects as well, including, but not limited to, sentry shower curtains, portal shower curtains, shower curtains with artificial intelligence, and other integrations of our shower curtain technologies. The blueprints are located right on the inside wall of our unnecessary waste mass incinerators. A friendly reminder to all Aperture Science employees, that Aperture Science is no longer responsible for the safety of employees who attempt to ruin the advantage we have over Black Mesa. Any employee who is caught distributing classified material to outside sources will be terminated and forced from the premises.

Remember, here at Aperture Science, We Care for the Paying Customer, (More than at Black Mesa)
All this Aperture Science is making me wonder when Black Mesa will quit sitting around and give us Episode 3.

....or maybe that's just what their plan was all along.. hm...
4 replies · active 726 weeks ago
Maybe Portal 2 IS Episode 3... Maybe there will be a major plot twist. Like Gordan Freeman busting in and shooting the shit out of GLaDOS.
NO! Gordon in GLaDOS!
That's why Gordon never talks.
Portal 2 is apparently set a century INTO THE FUTURE!!!!! *DRAMATIC MUSIC*

though maybe we might get some Portaly stuff in episode 3... Borealis=teleportation/timetravel anyone?
Well, end of episode 2 DID have them going to look for an Apeture Science Barge... Man, now I can't wait for Episode 3 all over again!
Speaking of...

Boil'em, mash'em stick'em in a stew, do whatever you want with them, just GET THEM!

Edit: Actually, turns out you just need to have the game running to count as a "CPU" Right now everyone is focusing on the "Wonderful End of the World" so just have that running (you don't even need to be actively playing) in the background.
1 reply · active 725 weeks ago
I wish i could but 1: i have a mac 2: I'm broke

All these devices were found insufficient when the Aperture Science Crusher Plate was introduced. Now the only device necessary to every day living is the Aperture Science Crusher Plate. Any suggestion to the contrary will result in immediate testing of the Aperture Science Crusher Plate ON YOUR FACE!
1 reply · active 725 weeks ago
Cave Johnson; we're done here.
i could use one of them aerial faith plates when the in-laws are over...
3 replies · active 725 weeks ago
That is a Familial Management Device. We sell them too.
wow! what HASN'T Aperture thought of?
Cures for mercury poisoning.
If we somehow survive the liquid asbestos tunnel will there be cake?
1 reply · active 725 weeks ago
Flowing through a funnel of liquid asbestos?
It will be worth it for Cake.
I got yer source right here.
Needs more Companion Cube
Are they even thinking with portals anymore?
2 replies · active 725 weeks ago
On the clock, but the party don't stop... AUGH
I just saw that.
Repulsion Gel?
Propulsion Gel?

I.....I'm pretty sure I don't want the Cake anymore.
2 replies · active 725 weeks ago
What makes it worse is that they are liquid fiberglass. Genius.
Now you decide that? Clearly you've never seen the recipe for the cake.
The Enrichment Centre is required to remind you that you will be propelled, and then there will be wallpapers.
We here at the Aperture Science Testing Center would like to remind you that the Excursion Funnel cannot speak. If in the unlikely instance where the Excursion Funnel does speak, we suggest you ignore its advice.
1 reply · active 725 weeks ago
but what i want to know is will it threaten to stab me?
I don't use the Pneumatic Diversity Vent, I use THE MOON
I'ts kind of sad that the Pneumatic Diversity Vent isn't used for the purpose that thay showed in the video for it, I't appears only a few times. 1) after the nurotoxin generateor imploded 1 sucks you in 2)befor battleing Wheatly 3) used at the end of the 1st set of test chambers ins Co-Op to shoot a Laser Redirectiton cube into the air to grab befor it falls back in the tube. Relly it's not used much atall. (sad, I was rly looking forword to it befor Portal 2 was released.)
Hey, Shawn scanned that Game Informer I got last year! Cool beans.
Anyone else saw the timer Valve put up at
-thinks- What would happen if I was to mix the Propulsion and Repulsion gel?
1 reply · active 725 weeks ago
One word: "WHEEEE!"
The Aperture "Projectile Diet": calorie-reduction plan supplemented with our gel products, participants may only consume what does not fling itself from a bodily orifice, natural or newly created.
These are from the Portal ARG, and have been on the ARG wiki for months...don't know why it's taken so long to get up here though.
Propulsion gel? "Wheeeeeee~" *fizzles out*
These were part of some magazine's (I think game informers) original story break on portal 2.

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