All units report in! Stan Fox truly has the best wingmen around.
By Chicken Fried Comedy, submitted by smashpro1

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All units report in! Stan Fox truly has the best wingmen around.
By Chicken Fried Comedy, submitted by smashpro1
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Comments by IntenseDebate
needs more barrel roll
Use the boost to get through!
Oh my……..that takes on a whole new meaning………….
Bow Chicka Bow Wow!
Cant let you brew that (Hot coffee mod), Stan Fox!
Use condoms wisely!
The whole time I was thinking "POLO".
Is it getting a little hot? No worries! This baby can take temperatures up to 9000 degrees!
"aim for the open spot!"
Then use bombs wisely…very wisely
A better line for Stan wolf to say would have been…
"Can't let you tap that, Stan Fox"
Just saying…
"Maybe it's the arm. Aim for the arm!"
(Before entry)
Perry: Use the boost to get through!
"The hatches are open."
Fox! Get this guy off me!
You know what they say…big hands…
…So what does that mean about Andross?
ROB: Great Fox is ready to go.
Wolf: Don't get too cocky
Fox: We'll just see about that
There are some other lines that would've fit, too
It's too hot! I can't take it anymore!
Stevie: "Things are starting to heat up"
I was going to say what no barrel rolls? Than they added it at the end
Thank goodness you're here Stan Wolf, you're our only hope for our world
Also, Stevie/Slippy used Chloroform
It's super effective!
So did anyone else think Stevie was compensating for that short health bar?
*thinks about it for a moment *
*shudders at the disgusting innuendo inadvertently created*
Stan Fox: "So, what's my rank?"
Crystal (Assumed): "Mhm…B+"
Stan Wolf: "You're good, but I'm better."
i was waiting all the clip for the barell roll, it did not dissapoint
this is awesome… also, I bet her G-spot'll be easy enough to find since it has a giant yellow light on it.
*Finishes up* Stan Fox:Sorry To Jet…But I'm in a Hurry.
"Look out behind you Fox!"
Odd, usually I find myself spending half the time rescuing my wingmen.
No girls dress like that!
Stan's gonna check to see if her G-Diffuser's working properly.
"Get these -1 Trolls off me, Halolz!"
"Use +1's to get through!"
When he gets to the bedroom:
"Switching to All-Range Mode."
Am I the only person who realized that Stan Fox was played by James Rolfe, the Angry Video Game Nerd? It seems so obvious that I can't believe no one's commented on it yet.
Use condoms wisely! Shit, the condom broke…
Slippy: Nooooooooooo!
Who else knew exactly what was coming when the doorbell rang?
And why was Stan Wolf blonde?
But anyway, in the spirit of the video;
"Open the wings!"
Did I just see a successful Cock Block Block?
I'm amazed!
This video was full of madness! A Slippy-type character that actually did something useful and a barrel-roll reference that made sense? My mind is blown (not in that way).
Why are ships coming out of the base?
Can't let you do th-HMRFMRGRFFRHRR
Fox:Thanks Slip, Blue Marine came through!
boss:Hold Still and let me shoot you.
ROB 64: A bomb has been planted at the base.
Kat Monroe: Are you going to hog all the Fun?
This vid has win written all over it.