Our grand prize for most humorous pumpkin goes to ChimpoDelFuego for “The Orange Spy” (possibly one of the simplest winning designs we’ve ever seen!) and I was told we would be carving pumpkin!, a pumpkinized version of Gentleman Heavy (complete with top hat and monocle!)
Our humorous runners-up include GengarKing’s PumpKoffin’ (a Koffing with an awesome face is good, but adding a “poison gas attack” makes it great!), and suicid3clutch’s Old Snake takes out an Enemy Soldier for it’s stealthy kill pose! Congrats guys!
Posted by Shawn Handyside on October 31, 2010 · 9:46 PM |
Categories: Backstab, Contests, Disguises, Gentlemen, Halloween, Holidays, Konami, Metal Gear Solid, News, Nintendo, Pokémon, Stabbey Stabbey, Stealth Espionage, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software · Leave a comment () 17 Comments |
The exclamation mark seals the deal.
Gentleman heavy got a prize. I saw this coming.
Hey, Your pumpkin's cool, and I'll let you finish, but this guy carved a pumpkin with a gun! rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow">…
Damn, why couldn't I think of that. Or carve a pumpkin for that matter.
I got something even better then the pumpkin spy, I have this cloaked pumpkin! Of course you can't see it as its cloaked. Do I gets prize?
*facedesk* Ahh screw it, I can't make something funny from this.
I daresay, whom is the despicable individual sending infants… to collect my delicious confectionary?
She has rookie eyes.