Thursday, March 27, 2025

Joker and Lex (comic)
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As you probably know it’s pretty rare I ever post anything that isn’t related to video games in some way, but I couldn’t help myself again… I had to share this D.C. Comics/Calvin & Hobbes parody that appeared in Superman/Batman #75! So perfect!
By Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo [via Topless Robot, via The High Definite]

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on August 31, 2010 · 4:15 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (244 votes, average: 4.61 out of 5)
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Artistic, Batman, Best Friends 4-Eva, Chillaxin', Cray-Z Crossovers, Head Shot, Heavy Weapons, Sequential Art, Superheroes/Supervillains, Weak Points

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Lex: Behold My new invention!
Joker: Does it have Kyptonite in its name?
Lex: ... yes, But its better than the rest!
Joker: you know if he wanted he could hear us talking right now
Lex: he can do that?
Joker: and kill us in more than 13 ways from wherever he is right now(if he was immoral an all)
Lex: He can not...can he?
Joker: dont even know ur nemesis?
Lex: well i know he can fly and do strong things...
Joker: HAha your such a joke luther! The best kind
Lex: ...So the Kyrptonite pen is a no-go?
Joker: Really? a pen? whats he gonna do, write himself a will?
Lex: its a plan in progress
Joker: Im going to screw with batman. Hahahaha
Lex: ...Maybe if i slip it in his pocket......
13 replies · active 759 weeks ago
I think Supes still hates himself for his 64 era debut.
3 replies · active 759 weeks ago
Why wasn't I invited to this evil gathering?
35 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Batman = a nice part of my childhood.

Calvin and Hobbes = BEST part of my childhood.

Lex and Joker = Best past of my adulthood. :3
Was I the only one thinking about Elmer Fudd when I saw this?

Joker: Why so serious doc?
Lex: I'm hunting Superman's, huh huh huh huh.
Moral of the story? Everyone loses in a mindfuck.
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
1. Piss off the goddamn Batman
2. Have him kill you
3. ????
Destroy the world

Realize you lived on it
6 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Psychological warfare ALWAYS beats super powers!
so susie derkins is catwoman? or is she lana lang? or possibly super girl
holy crap, when I posted my last comment, I was at -73, now I have 30 more than is needed for a tophat and monocle. add one to a pic of weird al, and Ill put it as my icon
what was it I got for hitting 100, guys?
3 replies · active 760 weeks ago
So Joker is an imaginary friend? That explains so much.
4 replies · active 760 weeks ago
*Insert vague comment about Superman 64 here*
2 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Lex Luthor looks like Charlie Brown.

Just throwing that out there.
3 replies · active 760 weeks ago
"Page not found" when I click the picture.
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
I think "How do you kill that which has no life?" applies here.

I mean, think about what Joker possibly does all day.
This is the best thing I've ever seen.
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
have your foe weak and helpless or make him become what he hates interesting very interesting
Maybe the joker can ask him about his maze.
And what he'll be asking will be along the lines of "WHY?!"
Well, How about a legion of Spiiideerrss?
Brilliant - absolutely brilliant. Not only did you capture the art style of Bill watterson, but you have also merged the characters into lex and the joker - much like the comic. Absolutely brilliant.
hmm the part when he says " every body loses" reminds me of a scene from the under the red hood movie, where the joker says " you got 'im! you rootin' tootin gun slinging marksman! I love ya, you finally found a way to win, AND EVERY BODY STILL LOSES! (then he laughs)" that was a good movie....
Gentlemen, behold! A KRYPTONITE LASER!!!! >:D

...Wow, that's it?

It's a work in progress! *fires laser and melts Joker's face* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

(Anyway it's awesome because I own the Calvin and Hobbes Anthology.)

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