Monday, March 17, 2025

hi son! sorry i'm using your money again. (comic)

Huh. That explains where all my money was going… I didn’t think it cost Mom 100 dollars to send me a Super Potion!
By chikinnugets, submitted by Kittykit!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on August 15, 2010 · 7:05 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (453 votes, average: 4.77 out of 5)
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Adult Situations, Artistic, Incoming Transmission, Nintendo, Off Duty, Pokémon, Sequential Art, Too Much Free Time

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Hey it's tough being a single parent.
She needs someone to Poké-mom every once in a while.

Someone needs to touch, those very breasts.
Cause no one ever was.
Getting laid is her real test
after menopause.
She will travel to find a man
then open far and wide
Each man, will understand
what she feels like inside.
11 replies · active 760 weeks ago
That guy you see is the bottom half of a Diglett
4 replies · active 761 weeks ago
Fill in the blanks---

1.- ________ is overused, everybody has played with it and everybody knows it from toe to head. It's always looking for people to use it and has entertained many generations. Has a lot of creatures inside it that you must take to a specialized medical institution to heal. Though it's very old, it has never leave a unsatisfied player, 'cept the really unexperienced ones

a.- Pokemon
b.- Your mother
c.- Lol I dunno
6 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Every time you win a battle, you send a good chunk of your winnings back to your mom. Hopefully, she'll take good care of it; maybe invest it, or at least, keep it in a safe place. Yet you notice that there's not as much as you remember sending back... when you return home to ask your mom about it, who do you see banging her in the kitchen?

GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK. He probably took the money, too.
12 replies · active 760 weeks ago
DAMN IT MOM!!! You're SUPPOSED to be using my cash ONLY to keep the supplies well stocked for when I return home so you can make me my Cinnabar Volcano Burgers!!! Get it straight!!! Also, I'm bringing Kris home, so knock on the door BEFORE you come into my room. I'm going to show her my great balls...cause she doesn't know what they look like.
2 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Somehow, Gary Oak had something to do with this.
8 replies · active 760 weeks ago
It seems "UR MOM" has contracted the rare Pokerus virus! Now her stats will increase twice as fast!

STDs: No longer something to fear.
1 reply · active 761 weeks ago
I KNEW an oran berry didnt cost $1000!
2 replies · active 761 weeks ago
Oh she is getting some super potion alright. Some super potion all over her face in a few minutes.
4 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Gold is getting stripped out of his money so his mom can pay people who strip out of their clothes.
3 replies · active 761 weeks ago
Damnit mom, if you're gonna use it on male strippers, at least invite me!
5 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Is it wrong that I heard this the entire comic?
Dammit mom... what did I tell you last time? I can't be pokemans master if you keep blowing my money away....
2 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Mom... I thought that we'd had a talk about this...
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
I don't know what to say for this submission...
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
So I decided, why not give my mom all my money while I mess around. After every battle, I get a call from my mom. She found something useful. I look in my pc and see a hyper potion and a great ball. Thanks mom. I check to see how much is left. No one spends 100,000 poke on a great ball and a hyper potion. I don't want a charmander doll in my room!
3 replies · active 760 weeks ago
She's not spending it on Poke'balls. She's spending it on MAN BALLS
Damn...I should have known. I thought it was suspicious when I found that used condom stuck to the bottom of that Super Potion she sent me, but I just wasn't sure. I probably should have suspected since Super Potions aren't normally all white and sticky...Oh God...I TRIED TO HEAL MY QUILAVA WITH IT!
So thats where my 70000 saved pokedollars went. Glad to know I only got a moonstone from it. :D
See, this is why HG/SS were made; in hopes that you would learn from your good ol' G/S/C mistakes. This poor soul did not, and now his mom has 3 kinds of pokéherpes to show for it.
So that's why my bank account keeps shrinking...
Story of my life.
I knew those berries Mom sent me looked suspiciously squishy and full of red juice...........

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