Actually despite following the meme… Travis makes an extremely valid point. How DO they work? I mean mashing three Magnemites together shouldn’t just create a new single evolved Pokemon should they?

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Categories: Balls of Steel, Nintendo, Pokémon, Science/Math ![]() · Leave a comment (140 Comments) ![]() |
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I just question how three Magnemites got merged together in the first place… Wait it is best you don't answer that.
And people complain about the new pokemon, there have been weird ones since the begining!
Some guy: This new pokemon are so retarded and unimaginative. A fire monkey! How stupid is that!
Me: Yeah, what will they do next. A fire dog? Some reptile with a flower on the top? A bunch of magnets and screws?
I wonder what will happen if I merge 3 Magikarp together …
Oh and I could resist using the "Balls of Steel" tag. >___>
i remember pokemon snap… one of the special pokemon was magneton and you just had to get 3 magnemite together in order to create it… yet i could walk around with like 6 magnemite in the original game and i wouldnt get two magneton from that! which was BS!
Well if it works for magneton, then I will mash together a slugma and a gastly and and create an explosion…..
What I wonder is how Magnezone gets created.
I mean if 3 magnemites make Magneton then… What.
Simple. Mitosis.
Well, we COULD be technical with EVs, movepools, and strategies….
But I'll just be a noob and say "Durr hurr they evolve from Magnemite and are electric".
the magets on the side aren't even at the right polarity
Yeah most of Electric type Pokemons makes no sense to me.
That's why I made my Typlosion learn Thunderpunch.
Step 1: Level up Magnemite.
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Magneton.
Diamond and Pearl Pokédex says: "It is actually three Magnemite linked by magnetism. A group can set off a magnetic storm. " Sooo… how does one become three? And how does it reproduce, since it is genderless? Is Ditto really the answer to all Pokémon life?
Just for lulz, HG and SS Pokédex says, about Magnezone: "Exposure to a special magnetic field changed Magneton’s molecular structure, turning it into Magnezone. "
It feels weird to bring biology or chemistry into the Pokémon world. Hope God doesn't kill too many catgirls *whimpers*
C'mon guys, it's the same answer as everything pokemon related!
Yeah I was about to mention that. How does a fish become an octopus?
They are attached by those screws, I thought that was obvious.
Ask The Engineer. Probably He Knows.
Whats even weirder is the fact that Magneton weighs 10 times as much as a Magnemite.
Magnemite: 13 lbs
Magneton: 132 lbs
No one wondering why a Slowpoke bitten by a Shellder results in a Slowbro with a different looking Shellder on its tail?
Science + Crowbat = Results!
If you look very closely… any minute now… THERE! Did you see it? Disgusting!
You, spplmj, are a pervert!
I'm going to chuck a few pokemon evolutionary queries much stranger than this out there.
Magikarp to Gyarados.
Feebas to Milotic.
Remoraid to Octillery
Trapinch to Vibrava
Shelgon to Salamence
Prof. Elm, pull your socks up.
This is what happens when you go to a threesome…. and accidentally grab the crazy glue instead of the lube…
No it's the furries that di-
oh wait.
Fucking Remoraid,
How do they evolve?
You know, I pride myself on knowing nearly everything about G/S/C, but I only realized that a couple years ago. >.>
<img src=" http://tvmedia.ign.com/tv/image/article/780/78047… alt="some_text"/>
…Wait… how does magneton turn into magnezone then? did they smelt together or something?
Logic used CONFUSION!
It's super effective!
Seto Kaiba: Oh great….you.
*cough, cough* Damn them teens and their super-glue and their hover bikes and their jet skis and espionage training and their complex mainframe hacking skills and their downloaded mission impossible soundtrack playing on their ipods.
…Except there's three of 'em… orgy?
they seem to be an alien device which feeds off the despair of the trainers pokemon they just murderd
When a mommy magnemite and daddy mganemite love each other very much…
First Trainer: Magneton! Go!
Second Trainer: *pulls out big magnet*
First Trainer: oh fu….
btw, am i doing it right? My first try at this…
At least there are some plausible theories for this question. What I don't get is how the hell can you breed a Wailord and a Skitty together and get an egg?
WOOP WOOP *sprays Faygo everywhere*
i think dugtrio's in the same group here i mean he's just three diglets glued together, for that matter why does dodou grow an extra head when it evolves?
Water, Fire, Flying, and Ground
Fucken Magneton, How do they work?
And I don’t want to talk to Professor Oak
He’s motherfucken lying, and getting me pissed.