Monday, March 17, 2025

The witness could not have been playing games on his PS3

Well done Wright! An open and shut case!
Submitted by KittyKit

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 12, 2010 · 2:24 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (716 votes, average: 4.51 out of 5)
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Awkward Moments, Capcom, Gameboy, Nintendo DS, Phoenix Wright, Playstation, Sequential Art, Sony, Systems, Wii

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1 reply · active 770 weeks ago
...kick the PS3 is a game...
The joke really isn't as true as it was a few year ago, but still made me laugh. Awesome submission.
Wait, you can play games on that? I just use it for movies! Wow! All this time...
2 replies · active 770 weeks ago
Last 4 panels = Epic win
Can't beat my
Can't beat my
No they can't beat my Fanboy Rage
(I don't wanna buy from Sony)
Can't beat my
Can't beat my
No they can't beat my Fanboy Rage
(I don't wanna buy from Sony)

Sorry, that's all I got...
1 reply · active 770 weeks ago
Oh, dear.

I believe this man is suffering from fanboitis, a very common and destructive syndrome that occurs in gaming men and women every year. You can help break this cycle of hatred, ladies and gentlemen. If you or a love one suffers from this illness, please consult your local Drama Hospital and be the help.

Ask your doctor. Know the facts.
7 replies · active 769 weeks ago
Yep, long time since we had a flame war
*grabs popcorn*
Guys, you make my job as a rioter easier, continue your "not fanboyist" at all comment :T
2 replies · active 769 weeks ago
Godot called. He wants his coffee with added trollfuel back.
Well, there goes one of my alibis in case I got arrested.. DAMN.
These comments are proof of why Halolz commits are horrid. They're always trying to make a lame joke to cash in on the laughs from the image, or they just stroke themselves.

The picture is a joke. Take it at face level. We don't care about your PS3 games. It's a joke.
of course another fanboy lets admit all the consoles have their advantages and disadvantages so everyone needs to stfu or gtfo
Check and friggin' Mate
wow how relivant Just got this game for my NDS Witch has Great games on it !
yeah, as Captain_Flavor said, the joke isn't really very relevant anymore, and I go as far to say that the PS3 in fact has a rather respectable library.... the wii on the other hand... -,-
18 replies · active 770 weeks ago
Like trying to break through a brick wall, this case is closed.
(Try making a PW comment instead of saying stuff about the PS3.)
3 replies · active 769 weeks ago
With a little modification, this post could be used to diss 'It Only Does Everything'. Actually, that's what I was expecting the punchline to be.
This would have been more relevant a year or two ago. Although, in my opinion, the PS3 does still have far less to do than either the 360 or the Wii.
1 reply · active 770 weeks ago
All that talk about games no longer being good and stuff, did anyone consider that maybe, just mayyybe, our criterias for what's a "good game" jumped through the window?
I still enjoy my NES from time to time. And then I hear people saying Borderlands is "meh" and GTA 4 gets boring quickly.
Nice suit.
Sony is false advertising! D:
having such a hard week, this really made me smile and i needed it... thank you halolz :)
How does my friend survive with only a PS3? He must have a life or something like that. I'll gladly pay microsoft $60 for the better online play any day.
Ratchet and Clank? Call of Duty? Prince of Persia? LittleBigPlanet? Those aren't games?

... What a strange, strange world we live in. I was completely convinced otherwise.
3 replies · active 770 weeks ago
but i like ps3... and plus every one who has a head set on 360 is 5 years old :P
cool story bro, just like the trolls at 4 chan you're off by years.

now if you don't mind, im getting back to my Killzone 3, Infamous, little big planet, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank Future, crack in time, Mag, and God of War 3.

BTW when is the last guardian coming out, oh wait your not going to play it huh?
8 replies · active 769 weeks ago

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