And then Weegee proceeded to soil his best overalls…
By William D.

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Categories: Bad Ideas, Nintendo, Special Attacks, Stinky, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, WarioWare, Wii ![]() · Leave a comment (74 Comments) ![]() |
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>_> wasn't this already done?
EDIT: Wasn,t this already posted?
INB4 That Weegee's a spy.
Oh jeeze, oh… HMPH! HWYAAA!
*coughs up link* http://www.halolz.com/2010/02/20/if-wario-can-do-…
Uh… There it is…
The caption is OK, but Shawn… seriously? "Proofread" your submissions, man! This was posted earlier.
Oh no. Please don't repost not funny submissions Shawn…
RULE 64.-
Halolz: Your premiere source for eco-friendly and recycled videogame screen captions
No Weegee, you cannot…
Advice Troll:
I feel like I've run through a loop.
Also, I feel like I've run through a loop.
oh i c wut u did thar
But nature isn't related to this matter at all ._.
target="_blank"> rel="nofollow">…
Its skirting the edge a bit -- same pic, diferent person added the caption… but at least choose the pallete swap Weegee for one. That way he’ll soil more overalls.
Is it really his best overalls if they’re all identical? Like, there’s probably two wardrobes for both pallete swaps, with up to 30 overalls in each…
*5 minutes before the pic is posted*
Shawn: Umm here we go…*picks up ocarana*
Down, A, Down, Right, A, Down…
Come on Shawn, just because you feel guilty about littering on Earth Day doesn't mean you should recycle crude and dirty jokes.
Now back to We Love Memes on VH1
Maybe Shawn double posted this one because he wasn't paying attention.
Everyone who has noticed this is a repost has now debunked the stereotype that no one pays attention to Weegee. Good one fellas, way to ruin it.
OBJECTION! I see a difference in text, font to be precise
Actually, I think the person in question took a jump to the left, a step to the right, put their hands on their hips, bent his knees in tight, and did a pelvic thrust to drive us insane.
shawn troll'd us!
A double post?
Even though it's Luigi, I don't approve this.
Wow this might actually be the case where people actually payed attention to Weegee XD
So shawn didn't pay attention to \\Weegee so much that he reposted him?
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Deja-vu, anyone?