Wednesday, March 26, 2025

1.21 Jiggawatts

By Rob Ficalora

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 31, 2010 · 10:29 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (424 votes, average: 4.74 out of 5)
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Accessories, Ding! Level Up, Movies, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, No Caption Needed, Pokémon, Science/Math, Shocking Results

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Bob's House of Video Games LogoSo if you follow my personal twitter, or happened to catch it in recent comments, you may know that The Cheezburger Network has launched their own video game caption site Bob’s House of Video Games. Now I don’t know who Bob is, I don’t know if he’s renting or has a mortgage, and I don’t know what the property values are in his neighborhood, but I do know that he deals in the business of video game screen captions, and this is relevant to my interests.

Despite my ramblings on Twitter where I sound like a sleep deprived lunatic (which I was) this is not some horrible, end of the world thing. Honestly I knew they’d step into the realm of video game captions sooner or later (they’ve got pretty much EVERYTHING else covered at this point) and it’s not like there aren’t other sites that dabble in the genre.

However there are certain things that bother me about how ICHC runs the “blogs” on their network.  Essentially the sites are designed as dumping grounds for content instead of being moderated and run by editors. The only reason this bothers me is that original content, created by Halolz readers, submitted to this site, will be copied on to their site with no credit, permission or watermark.

Now in a sense this isn’t ICHB’s fault, but it’s  how their system is designed and it becomes our problem not theirs. People will pull your submissions from here and submit it there and as of right now the only thing we can do is submit a form on their site asking them to remove your work (and maybe it will happen). Now I mean if you want your submission up there, go ahead and send it in! But 99% of the time, if an original submission from our readers appears on their site, it’s going to be because some random person grabbed it off here and sent it in and no one (including you, the person who captured the screenshot, or Halolz) will receive any credit.

Of course there is plenty of stuff posted here that has just been “floatin’ around the nets” and hardly counts as original Halolz content, but in the three or so years we’ve been doing the site I have always made providing source links a very high priority on every post. And by design this is not something that will happen at Bob’s.

Anyway this is pretty much the only real problem I have with the site, and I’m going to try to meet with the guys who run the site this week while I’m in Seattle to talk about it.

But for those of you who feel like taking some action, well there are two specific things you can do. And trolling their site is NOT one of them.

1. If you see a submission on there that you know is an original Halolz submission, submit a request to have it removed or for them to add the source. Especially if is something YOU made.

2. Continue to do the one thing I’ve always said is the biggest way you can help support the site; share your favorite submissions on forums, by email, share them on facebook, retweet, etc (and always try to provide a link to the site).

And now I have to run, as my friend Heather who is helping me at Sakura-Con needs to see some Seattle sights before I make her work for the next four days!

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 31, 2010 · 4:56 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (57 votes, average: 4.53 out of 5)
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Oh sure Professor Oak SEEMS like a real nice guy, but remember… blood is thicker than water!
By fambini

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 31, 2010 · 3:55 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (439 votes, average: 4.75 out of 5)
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Advice Meme, Depressing, Nintendo, Pokémon

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PAX East - Bring home a picture of your tentacle rape

For all you folks who came out to PAX East this year, you may have caught this big display/backdrop thing that WoTC brought out for Magic: The Gathering. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it was a little weird having your picture taken in a giant mass of tentacles!
By Hank G.

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 30, 2010 · 6:34 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (98 votes, average: 3.58 out of 5)
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Conventions, It's A Trap!, Photo Op, Uncategorized, Weird

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I wouldn’t mess with Chuck Norris’ pokéwalker… unless your looking to get a roundhouse kick to the face. Is that what you’re looking for? No well then move along!
By Nick Soapdish

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 30, 2010 · 9:47 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (260 votes, average: 4.16 out of 5)
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Accessories, Cover Art, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Pokémon, TV Shows

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Truly the franchise that will never die!
By Tom Phillip of CollegeHumor

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 29, 2010 · 11:24 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (153 votes, average: 3.82 out of 5)
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Cover Art, Electronic Arts, Playstation, Robots, Sports, Uncategorized

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Even GLADoS isn’t cruel enough to terminate these test subjects!
By The Gifford Children’s Choir, submitted by several people

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 29, 2010 · 4:02 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (334 votes, average: 4.67 out of 5)
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Musical, Portal, Teamwork, Valve Software, Video Clips

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Apparently, the heads aren't the only parts of the body that DODRIO has three of.

*sigh* Pokédex… please tell me you’re referring to Dodrio’s toes… and not those long pink things protruding from it’s butt area. PLEASE!
By Cordero Dove

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 29, 2010 · 6:35 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (261 votes, average: 4.66 out of 5)
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Cock Joke, Gameboy, Nintendo, Pokémon

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