With our powers combined!
By Sylph One
Posted by Shawn Handyside on May 30, 2009 · 12:42 PM |
Categories: Bungie, Halo, Heavy Weapons, Microsoft, Motivational, Moving Violations, Teamwork, Tips & Tricks, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 85 Comments |
XD Nice
Problem: It wouldn't make a Spartan shit his pants. The spartan would just blow it up, business as usual.
Exactly what I thought when I read this in my RSS feed, Mr. Jackson.
I was hoping for StarCraft humor!
It's less likely than I thought!
just run and shoot at it. its wut the whole game is about. run and shoot
I dont get what is funny?
That's not nearly as intimidating as two Scorpions on an Elephant.
… That sounded wrong.
Spelling fail
Foolish Covenant, NOTHING can make SPARTANs shit themselves.
Awesome!! Got to love funny crap like that.
I don't get it, what is it?
Only Problem I have with it is knowing that it probably would be the Spartan who drove it up there in the first place.
Don't you just love all the pictures submitted by kids who are afraid to swear on the internet?
the pic is funny, yea, but I'm tired of that
Hot wraith on scarab action?
I'm "possitive" this would not turn out right.
"It's a machine made of weapons, with weapons that fire smaller weapons"
With our powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
Do I detect a hidden furry reference?
I have to say: Shitting yourself in spartan amour would suck in ways that are yet unknown to mankind.
I was kinda hoping "accept" would be spelled "except". And that the picture would be funny. And not a motivationnal poster. And that the caption would start with, "Can't let you do that," and would end with a few funny words related to the picture, riming with, " Star Fox!". And that I learned I was actually the genetically engineered offspring of Chuck Norris and Mr. T 's genome, which was used to empregnate a wolverine riding a motorcycle with a leather vest. But hey, this submission isn't the worst thing I've seen on this site.
only a problem if it's the purple wraiths with the AA gun., cause we all know hornets pwn scarabs.
I still want to know how the hell they managed to do that!
Where's FoxyMayo when we need him?!
god help us if he adds a ghost
Now, if only they could get a prowler and a ghost together, they could hook up and form Voltron.
I'm pretty sure a certain physicist with a strange aptitude for firearms would be able to take it down like nothing though.
What no "when you see it you'll shit bricks" comment?
How curious.
Yo dawg, I herd you like tanks so we put a tank on yo tank so you can pwn while you pwn.
i dont get it…. is it because there is a wraith hidden on a scarab, or just because its so freaking huge?
Noodles on your back?
You forgot the army of Hammer Brutes.
Hot Wraith on Scarab action! *BRICKED*
Pffft. So I get delayed, what….10 more seconds while pelting it with the Scorpion's main gun from a distance?
form scarabtron… but where does the sword go? volton had one, and so did EVERY power rangers combined zord
yaay, im comment 69,greatest numbre ever.
but…how the hell did they put the wraith over the scarab?
how did it get on to the scarab in the first place?
I bet one of the 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 fucking phantoms on that level dropped a wraith while the scarab got there and it landed on the scarab. i hate that level. too many explodies.
Has nothing on 10 Scarabs, 10 scarabs!!!
With your powers combine, all your base is now mine!
(Wow. Captain Planet IS good for something!)
(Also, THAT RHYMED! 2 for 1!)