Matt Hunter will eventually find time for a girlfriend… right after he finishes his Pokemon collection! Gotta catch ’em alllllllll!

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Categories: LOLCATS, Nintendo, Photo Op, Pokémon, Too Much Free Time ![]() · Leave a comment (No Comments) ![]() |
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I see a Darkrai.
Is this the first Halolcat?
Must… make… a pun!…
must… make…a…
damnit, I can't xD too hilarious
If the picture were clearer, I could probably identify every single Pokemon on those shelves. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed.
Actually…yes I do. Proud as can be.
To quote Stewie Griffin: He needs to get laid. BIG TIME.
You know,if it were just first gen I'd be proud of this guy. But this makes me sad
They should've used my room for this pic. It's much worse. :D
Wow. That's enough shit to outshine the Saffron City Department Store.
This is funny because I am playing Pokemon right now… fuck… I need a girlfriend.
no, no. thats not true. no wait, I am playing to. Dang yeah its true!
wow, amazing!
I think they are in numerical order, too.
Personally, I'm jealous. Yes, even of the NEXT GEN.
/me is sick and tired of all the OLD SCHOOL DIE HARD fans, caus noo pkmns r kewl 2.
Even with the not-so-good quality of the pic, i can identify each of those pokemon >.<
I’ve been playing for 12 years, i dont intend to stop anytime soon….and also, nice collection.
its actual umbreon and murkrow, trust me, 12 year vet(and proud of it)
This is awesome. Words cannot describe how much I'm laughing.
Maybe we should give this guy the benefit of the doubt. He could just have his room set up this way to illegally lure underage school girls.
Yeah, I couldn't tell you all the names of them, but looking around, most of them look familiar……..
Falcon, I need a life
I can identify every single Pokemon on the left shelf but I don't know much of the current generation beyond OMFG I SEE LUCARIO
(But seriously, that's pretty big)
…Why did i start sing the PokeRap song……
A wild GIRL appeared!
OTAKU used FANDOM! It has no effect!
Wild GIRL used SNEER!
OTAKU's confidence has dropped!
Wild GIRL has run away!
If you have a Pokemon, and I have a Pokemon, and here's my Pokeball, there it is… watch it… and my Pokeball reaches, acroooooooss the room… and starts to catch your Pokemon. …I… catch… your… POKEMON! I CATCH THEM ALL!
Props if you get both the references.
OMG. I saw this on Icanhasacheeseburger nearly a month ago. What took you so long to add it?
Our judges also would have accepted, "My Pokemons, let me show you them" as a correct answer.
Just for the record I am to be married next month
and no matter how much anyone says he needs to get a life we are all thinking the same thing "that bastard, why cant i have nice things?"
can,t stop the LOL(also my girlfriend would like that riolu doll on the left)
I am ashamed, but anyway, I'm poor and can't buy more Pokemon games
But yeah it got me a gurl!
This is just really sad, I'm sorry. I play pokemon, and can identify 97% of the ones up there, but I don't have shelves stocked with figurines IN NUMERICAL ORDER.
Why is everyone complaining about the blurry background?
Oh, wait.
Uh…. o.o
Wow, I have GOT to give this man props on not only getting all those figures, but going through the time to get them in order.
By the way, collecting all those doesn't mean you have no life. Going online to say that it does shows you are just as bad, if not worse.
But it can help you meet girls. You can let her play with your pokeballs.
the pic is just stolen from icanhascheesbuerger -_-
Chicks dig the hoppips.
Would it seem wierd to say that I envy that guy not only for the fact that he has so many (if not all) Pokemon figurines, but he also organized them in National Dex numerical order?
I'd have to agree heartily with your comment. My friends call me a Pokemon Fanboy… yeesh. I have been outdone so much that I feel like a Magikarp next to Mewtwo…
Wow, it's like my friend's room allover again, only this is less worse… D:
Kinda nerdy of me, but his collection already HAS all 493. He's my neighbor. No joke. Also, that cat is a MONSTER.
Oh my gosh so jealous… T.T I wish I has the money and space to do that. 0.o
And the background isn't blurry, I can see most of the Pokemon.