Two movies on Movie Monday? MADNESS! I couldn’t help it though… this was too funny.
From ALBOTAS (via Topless Robot)

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Two movies on Movie Monday? MADNESS! I couldn’t help it though… this was too funny.
From ALBOTAS (via Topless Robot)
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lol they added viagra as a power-up, wait did i comment already?
And I thought star wars was creepy.
and this is why viagra should be kept out of videogames
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!
That was surprisingly awkward.
Yet epicly hilarious.
BLUE RAPE!!…..no thats not funny.
Mr. Manhattan fucking-up the enemies!!……still not funny.
Damn, I got nothing.
Rule 34 has betrayed me.
The one thing I've learned here is that Smurfette is a whore. Actually, I've also learned that Dr. Manhattan walks around with a boner that whacks him in the face when he takes a step.
Don't they know that Manhattan's blue penis is never erect? I mean, seriously guys. Stick to the source material.
I lol'd though. Very funny.
Extreme Wrongness!! But Epically Hilarious. :D
"Your weiner is good, but mine is better"
You thrust your pelvis! Hunh!
Also anyone who Diggs this gets 800 awesome points.
all I can think is, "HOSHIT! SURPRIZE BUTTSECKS!!!" am I horribly twisted?
I laughed the whole way through this. Epicly hilarious.
The last fight scene is what would have happened on Fire Island.
The video won't show for some reason. I YouTube'd it and thought it was pretty funny if disrespectful to the Watchmen, though no more so than Saturday Morning Watchmen.
I am noting your points in my ledger of radness!
No one is safe from Rule 34! I swear, if Alan Moore saw this, he would die from an absinthe-induced stupor trying to forget his characters being used like this. That, or die from shock.
nope, the guy who made this animation, THAT GUY is horribly twisted, youre just an innocent mind being warped by his madness
And I thought it was because of cancer! Boy, was I wrong.
Your Schwarz is almost as long as my Schwarz ! But do you know how to use it ?
I guessed the gag from the title. Do I get a prize?
Did no one else notice that it's kung fu? It's an old nes game. I have to say, this version actually look more fun but that's cause Kung fu wasn't the best of games -_-
What. The. FUCK?!?!?!?!
At first, I thought ''Hey, they didn't give Dr Manhattan a dick, this might be somewhat…."
*PSHEEUUU(or whatever a lightsaber sounds like)*
"…Whelp, there goes the chance of intelligent content!''
I was strangely aroused.
Yeah… i lol'd FUKKEN hard, mainly because it reminded me of an old childhood joke (mainly claiming 2 people would literally have dick wars XD)
I hope to never see this again… ah hell i'm replaying this shit
the jolly green giant spinning through the air with an erect penis is the funniest thing i've ever seen
Doubya Tee Eff.
This is one of those things that cannot be unseen.
Oh ye gods. Sick. Really, really sick.
And yet, the funniest damn thing I've seen all week.
I just noticed this is tagged under "Adult Situations".
My perception of growing up just put on a blindfold and was fired out of a cannon.
[…] Enjoy! Why no one wants to fight Dr Manhattan[NSFW] […]
[…] [VIDEO] Why No One Wants to Fight Dr. Manhattan : Halolz […]
this is funny?
Damn. I haven't lol'd that hard in a while.
[…] [VIDEO] Why No One Wants to Fight Dr. Manhattan : Halolz […]
Love the street figher win sound fx :D
recon. lol
Reminds me of this video (somewhat):