Shit. We should have elected Captain Falcon!
Submitted by Zoe Thavel and The Owninator

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Categories: Charts & Graphs, F-Zero, FALCON PAAAANCH, Nintendo, Science/Math, Serious Business, Super Smash Bros ![]() · Leave a comment (71 Comments) ![]() |
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Dude! Falcon for president! Just imagine the campaign trail! It would be full of the bodies of everyone who ran against him.
y is every1 obsessed with capt falcon hes gay!
@ MexicanJuice
of course it would! That and all the enemy FZero racers.
as captain falcon says…
I think that Jerry Springer can just as easily replace Dr. Phil on that list.
I have to say, even though Capt. Falcon IS gay…
(Seriously don't even argue with me on this one…The guy wears a SKINTIGHT SUIT and you can SEE his NIPPLES.)
He's pretty awesome and can Falcon Punch the shit out of anyone who says otherwise.
captain Falcon for the rule of the world
captain Falcon for the rule of the world
Falcon for president
Falcon punch for teenage pregnancy
Falcon knee for cancer
Shows you his moves to take down terrorists.
Oh I say…
bar graph dat shit
'YES!' solves 110% of problems.
Thats because it solves ones that don't exist yet.
I dunno, i cant agree with this graph. Violence does solve some problems lol.
Dude, was I the only person who voted for Captain Falcon?
I Got This On My iPhone From My ICanHazCheezburger App. :P I Luvs It.
The chart is in a Check mark..
No one runs AGAINST Captain Falcon. They run AWAY from Captain Falcon.
reporter: Mister Falcon, what are your views on teenage pregnancy
Graph fail, needs to have Engineers. :P
Just kidding, though having Engineers on there would make this perfect. 4/5.
This site needs a little more originality.
I think Captain Falcon is a pretty cool guy. eh terminates teen pregnancies and doesn't afraid of anything.
Aww man I should have voted for Captain Falcon during the election… why vote for some black guy who's never done anything significant (No, congress doesn't count, not signifiicant :P) when I could have voted for a real man! He's been a captain of the military, he can drive way better than any female (I'm looking at you Hilary) and best of all, he doesn't need anything new, he doesn't need change, he just needs a falcon PAUNCH and America is fixed.
They forgot to add Guns and More Guns to the equation. :(
What the hell did you just say?
And hammers? Hammers solve everything!
I bet all of you can hear Dr. Phil asking, "Do you realize that this is a problem?" in your minds.
Go on. Take a second and reflect. Yeah, I thought so… Sorry Doc, but this problem of not caring about you is one we're all gonna just have to accept.
My new motto will be: "When in doubt, use FALCON PAAAAAAAAAAAAWNCH!"
capt falcon doesnt abort teenage pregnencys that was link
I don't think anyone noticed…
If Dr. Phil Falcon Punches, he gets about a 35% chance of success! At Succeeding!
He said a meme!
lets be honest here, mates… violence has a higher sucess rate than 0, cmon
So a Falcon Punch can solve how to stop those damn cats who keep on coming into my yard and pooping all over the lawn and not get in trouble with the PETA?
Nice post but would have made more sense for it to be a bar graph. Oh well, still funny.
We should have elected Captain Falcon indeed.
His inaugural address:
But how to do so through a broadband connection? Hrrrmm…
" … That I will faithfully execute the falcon punch … oh, and the office of President of the United States, …" YES!
any one notice that this was taken from graph jam
Falcon Punch saved me from depression!
I think F-Zero is a pretty cool guy. eh punches prengant girls and doesnt afraid of anything.
I used falcon punch to heal my friends teeth! It was super efective :D
Thank you falcon punch!
*Excess in the use of this product may cause diarrea and the end of the world*
Haha! Though I have no evidence to support this claim I actually made this graph. I'm surprised to see it here on Haloz.
shoulda used the landmaster….