Sorry Paulrus… there’s not enough cardboard in the world to protect you!

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Categories: Animal Crossing, Disguises, GameCube, Konami, Metal Gear Solid, Motivational, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Paranoia, Super Smash Bros, Wii ![]() · Leave a comment (No Comments) ![]() |
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This made me chuckle on my birthday. I am pleased. :) 4/5
Snake will just have to wait for the alert to run out, then they won't know what hit 'em!
I'll admit it got a laugh out of me… :D 4/5
Furries, everyones problems
freakin hate all fur haters :| there's a crapload more human fetish art than furry fetish art…
I find this quite humorous, as there is an awfully lot of furry stuff out there xD
And this is a picture done with smash-bros trophies! Something you don't see very often!
I say its a 5/5 for original funnies
Silence! We will never leave!
But those ones that were on Jerry Springer, go ahead and make those ones disappear.
I'd call this mildly offensive, but then again, so is nearly everything else on Halolz, so I'll laugh instead.
Seriously though. Haters of any kind are bad, no matter who they pick on. Furries aren't that weird anyway, but then again, I'm one, so maybe I'm just blind to our weirdness. Oh well.
I'd call this mildly offensive, but then again, so is nearly everything else on Halolz, so I'll laugh instead.
Seriously though. Haters of any kind are bad, no matter who they pick on. Furries aren't that weird anyway when you think about all the other shit out there, but then again, I'm one myself, so maybe I'm just blind to our indescribable weirdness. Oh well…
as a furrie, i disaprove,. as a sensible person, i loled. and yea, fagot furries piss me off, they make me look bad, and have been labeled as such cuz of 2 stupid ones that live close to me. if someone starts a furry genocide, count me in.
There's always enough cardboard. I just haven't found it.
i dunno about the whole "having sex in a costume/dressed up as an animal" thing. it never did anything for me (though if my girl is into that, then i guess we could try it). however, the idea of running around outside with a tail and pretending to be an animal does appeal to my childish side…
Mmmm… I smell a culture flame war brewing.
Smells like biscuits.
…hmmmm…what?, Oh sorry everyone else…I got distracted by the furries and started to have "thoughts"…. now what were you guys saying about sex with female furries?
Oh look Shawn! You started drama! :O
Furries are vermin, no matter how big or small. They corrupt everything they touch and make every conversation they are in gay with damned ":3" face.
Oh please. You're so far back in the closet you can see Narnia.
Like the rest of the internet?
well fuck you sir. its not like we 'touched' EVERYTHING you like. plus why would you care? just ignore what you dont like. dont blow it out of proportion and say we fuck up everything in the world
and im pretty sure the :3 face started from anime and stuff like that, NOT furries.
furries are the exception to that fact :(
I provide the furry pics that makes this site implode at times. With the exception of Soapdish, of course.
Oh, poo. Does that mean we have to spray you all with a fire hose?
if you can find us >3
…oh right, i forgot we leave a trail of 'things we corrupted' wherever we go :/
I think I can say Halolz is the most tolerant place on the whole of the internet.
(FYI, wolf avatar =/= furry)
What is the problem everyone has with furries? I mean, I understand not everyone is in to everything, but do people have to be haters about it?
And yes, I am a furry. You can torch me now.
We all feel your pain snake… we all do.
This may be funny as hell, but that wish ain't no joke,
leave it to paulrus, bringer of lesbian mudkipz, to pull the furry card again ._.
You too child rapist.
Also, just out of spite, :3
I love you guys XD first comments/thread i read that i enjoyed :P
I should come into furry related picture comments more often XD
*hits capslock key again*
Haha, I laughed, but seriously whats the big deal? Furries are what they are, just like everyone else there are some more messed up than others. I'm just surprised how many people were announcing they were furries! 0_0 I mean, I guess we're all furries when you think about it. I mean, humans are animals….
Animals are for eating. Not pleasuring.
like he's almost a stereotypical furry, but not
Furrys in my HALOLZ? Free PC check!
um…i dont know about you…but id rather not see a bdger screw a horse. thats just odd. and yiff is pretty weird.
The best part is all the furries arguing. Aren't we all furries on the inside?
In other news: Mass suicide happens after halolzer reveals horrible, horrifying truth…
(No offense to anyone, just making a joke)
I like pie.