Sunday, March 16, 2025

It’s Movie Monday! Also Music Monday I guess… thanks to EmilHedgehog who sent this in!
A last bit of Christmas spirit before we pack up all the holiday crap for next year!
Video and music by one man band Freddie25!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 29, 2008 · 12:24 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (540 votes, average: 4.61 out of 5)
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Audio Clips, Christmas, Holidays, Musical, Nintendo, Rockin' Out, The Legend of Zelda, Too Much Free Time, Video Clips

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Zelda - Wind Waker Unplugged « XSp.

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That Was BEYOND Godly.
FreddeGredde-made films FOR THE WIN. Gosh that was epic beyond belief.
I can't believe I never watched this before! Instant 5/5. Wind Waker is my all-time favorite Zelda game ^_^
He also has a fantastic Mega Man 9 arrangement!

<a href="" target="_blank">

I grabbed the MP3's of both of these...
Wow! Someone is multi-talented!
That was awesome. Not really a lol, but I five'd it nonetheless :)
Video still blows my mind to this day. Also brightens my day. =)
For one person to recreate the awesome credit scene from the Wind Waker is beyond awesome. He had such a great blend, and beautiful harmony. Major props, man.
Din, Nayru, and Farore are all pleased.
2 replies · active 845 weeks ago
That was the most awesome thing I've watched this year.
Now THAT'S called talent.

Awesome to the max. I've just been listening to it for like, ten minutes straight and I still can't get enough of it.

That... is possibly the greatest thing I have ever heard. Ever.
Screw Let There Be Rock, Thnks fr th mmrs, Without A Fight, and You're Gonna Go Far, Kid.
My Wii has collected mounds of dust since i bought mah X-Box 360 with Live, Gears, Halo, Fable, all the works, you know.... now im inspired to dust it and play mah Zelda games.

Oh and is it true what's been said that Nintendo is planning a new Zelda game with the same type of "engine" as Twilight Princess? Or am I making this up?
If he could play all of those instruments SIMULTANEOUSLY before a live audience, then I'd be REALLY impressed. But srsly, really well done(this would have been funny have he been cooking steaks), as a multi-instrumental-playing-person-thing, I can see that this took some (1337) skill, and the choir is a nice touch, I wasn't really expecting it. RATED 5! :D
2 replies · active 845 weeks ago
That was so amazing it made me shed a tear.
I'm popping windwaker into my wii, as soon as I find my gamecube memory card, I'm starting again
4 replies · active 845 weeks ago
Wow! Someone is multi-talented!
That was awesome. Not really a lol, but I five'd it nonetheless :)
He also has a fantastic Mega Man 9 arrangement!

I grabbed the MP3's of both of these...
That....that was amazing. Easily the most epic win I have seen to date on Halolz.
Aboithagamboi's avatar

Aboithagamboi · 803 weeks ago

I must raise him higher than his current position, HE IS LIGHT YEARS PAST THE FALCON! HE IS NOW GOD!
1 reply · active 803 weeks ago
Aboithagamboi's avatar

Aboithagamboi · 803 weeks ago

I could play probably three of those instruments. But he is beyond compare. It gives me that fuzzy feeling, like when you favorite team is losing by one and gets a touchdown/basket/goal in the last ten seconds.
That was too beautiful... It's like it spoke to my soul with the power of this divine music.... It made my soul want to float among the clouds... Among the heavens.. And among the Captain...
MonkeymanIII's avatar

MonkeymanIII · 845 weeks ago

Good god, that was awesome!
Stuff found on Kotaku shouldn't be sent in. =|

But that totally rocks, so it's okay.
He's got a mothafucking IRISH TINWHISTLE!

1 reply · active 803 weeks ago
Krazykid3361's avatar

Krazykid3361 · 845 weeks ago

OMG!!!! That was freaking amazing I'm a big Zelda fan so this made my entire week! I bow down to this guy, also I love his santa hat. :P 10/5
Doomwaffle's avatar

Doomwaffle · 845 weeks ago

Good audio. Almost TOO good... Pre-recorded and then acted much? Who knows. The awesomeness of the video doesn't matter. Someone with that much talent should be hired by Nintendo.
1 reply · active 803 weeks ago
I'm popping windwaker into my wii, as soon as I find my gamecube memory card, I'm starting again
If he used sheet music or a guide for any of those instruments, impressive. If he did it all by ear it's beyond impressive. I've played the same theme on Trumpet only mine was a lot shorter and it was pretty hard, so whether it's pre-recorded or not it's an amazing achievement
1 reply · active 831 weeks ago
I miss Zelda games... Now I play games like fable 2...
1 reply · active 803 weeks ago
That Was BEYOND Godly.
Paul d'Arbonne's avatar

Paul d'Arbonne · 845 weeks ago

That was really cool. :D
Purplemon739's avatar

Purplemon739 · 845 weeks ago

the part when the wind gods aria kicked in, i lost it. that was beautiful. im working on some variations on my guitar, hopefully ill get a camera soon. 5555555555555555555555555/5
That was so amazing it made me shed a tear.
This needs to be added to the definition of win.
your mother's avatar

your mother · 845 weeks ago

Epic. Win. *Pure* Win. Hugz. Liek.

I think that about covers it...
Hirouzamaki's avatar

Hirouzamaki · 845 weeks ago

Honestly. This is so good that IT HAS to stay as #1 here at Halolz. I get kind of bummed out to see a really good entry fall to the hands of "Send Link"
After all my time.. On the chans..

I thought I would never hear something so.. Beautiful again..
If he could play all of those instruments SIMULTANEOUSLY before a live audience, then I'd be REALLY impressed. But srsly, really well done(this would have been funny have he been cooking steaks), as a multi-instrumental-playing-person-thing, I can see that this took some (1337) skill, and the choir is a nice touch, I wasn't really expecting it. RATED 5! :D
Gamegeneral's avatar

Gamegeneral · 845 weeks ago

We've got a candidate for the next Youtube Live!
He'll prolly did what the Gorillaz did at the music awards.
My Wii has collected mounds of dust since i bought mah X-Box 360 with Live, Gears, Halo, Fable, all the works, you know.... now im inspired to dust it and play mah Zelda games.

Oh and is it true what's been said that Nintendo is planning a new Zelda game with the same type of "engine" as Twilight Princess? Or am I making this up?
This had better stay on top for awhile. Honestly this is really good.
That... is possibly the greatest thing I have ever heard. Ever.
Screw Let There Be Rock, Thnks fr th mmrs, Without A Fight, and You're Gonna Go Far, Kid.
Now THAT'S called talent.

Awesome to the max. I've just been listening to it for like, ten minutes straight and I still can't get enough of it.

That was the most awesome thing I've watched this year.
Best 2:27 of my life.
Also, best way to end 2008
Din, Nayru, and Farore are all pleased.
ConkerBirdy's avatar

ConkerBirdy · 845 weeks ago

Most amazing thing I've seen in my life! 5/5 and you win the internet and +10 e-penis points
For one person to recreate the awesome credit scene from the Wind Waker is beyond awesome. He had such a great blend, and beautiful harmony. Major props, man.

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