Stewardess! Are there nuts served on this flight?
By Segasonicdude

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Categories: Aerial Maneuvers, Balls of Steel, Bungie, Chillaxin', Halo, Microsoft, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment (36 Comments) ![]() |
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How about just a In Your Face tag for someone taing a hit to the face in whatever form? It'd be different from Head Shot since 1. head shots can come from the sides or behind, and 2. In Your face indicates the non-mortality type of impact.
I think I need a new tag for shots about teabagging or just balls in general. Lets hear some tag names people!
Alright, next time i will remenber to NOT takes this airline
How about "Birds and Bees"? Or "2 balls 1 face?"
Yeah, I fail.
Balls of Steel! I think we have our winnar!
Clotheslined in midair by an armored crotch… That's gotta suck.
Shawn's caption made my day.
Oh, and you do need a wolf tag, its only appropriate
Testicular assault.
Balls on the wall
how do you like them apples?
It would be cooler if that power drainer wasn´t there 4/5
Poor red guy. D:
Not only is it embarassing being teabagged in mid air, but a NINJA teabagging you in midair
welcome to teabag airlines, where pwners can be overwhelmed by a sense of victory and satisfaction. the problem is that n00bz are always the ones being flown
Douball Kill? c whut i did thar?
…forget it. >_<
Got a laugh out of the pic. 4/5
As for tag names… Um…
-Click Left Stick
-Balls of Steel
That's all I got.
What? The situation, or the red spartan?
The pic itself made me facepalm-lol, but Shawn's comment made it better.
Also, tag names: In my horribly tired about-to-go-to-bed state I can only come up with…
"Tea Time"
Now that's horrible service right there.
"We know you have a choice in travel so we thank you for choosing Teabag Airlines, where humiliation and defeat meat travel"
Damn stewardess.
Actually if you choose Teabag Airlines, then it's great service!
Pic made me lol.
Comment made me lollol
As for tag names?
Bags o' tea!
…yeah, I'm not in the testijoke state of being right now.
Ahaha Shawns comment made it 5!
Completely agreed… This is the great shit halolz was made for!!!
EDIT: You forgot to use the cock jokes tag.
2 balls 1 face,kinda works
When I typed it, i meant the situation, but now, both.
Me and my friend like to refer to situations like that as an "omega" teabag
Teabag airlines: where you always receive a free bag of nuts.
I totally went there.
That was a late tag suggestion.
I was gonna make a nuts reference but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! >:(
drag him on to a hornet or the new way>>>>>>>teabag airlines