Sadly, Chase never did all that well in his sex ed class…

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Categories: Adult Situations, Awkward Moments, Cock Joke, Nintendo, Super Smash Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Tips & Tricks, Wii ![]() · Leave a comment (30 Comments) ![]() |
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First, and wow Sheik must be desperate…
5 hit combo!
Poor confused Link.
lawl. win.
Wasn’t this picture used already?
I wonder if brawl will ever get a NON perverted pic =P
this pic was used already.
cock goes WHERE?!
I’m just going to forget I ever saw this.
And now we go into the realm of reused pictures.
Am I the only one who noticed the phallic shape of the Master Sword’s handle?
3 bad ones in a row. This must be a slow week. 2/5
“If you walk around with that kind of toe your bond to get some attention” -- South Park
Eh. It’s alright. Minus points for using a pic that’s already been used…
Phallic Objects for the win
agreed Orion X. its not as funny as the other, either. 2/5 here.
yay more sheik/link~
but it coulda been funnier =/
1/5…considering that this is the second time the pic was used and the first was actually funny.
Maybe some sort of guidelines should be set up to help filter through the submissions?
I love how Handyside takes the time to balance fatherhood AND updating this site daily and people still have the gall to say how things should be run! If you find it funny laugh, if not then don’t; everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you’re going to criticize someone for trying to pick things they think you’ll enjoy, however, then just go start your own perfect website where everyone can talk about how awful wolf jokes are and why 4chan created everything that’s online. It’s bad enough we lost Staccato, now Halolz gets so much negative feedback it won’t seem worth updating soon
Is it just me but are all of the SSMB jokes perverted.
Not that that is a problem….
Is it just me, or does B-Mac only show up when he has something bad to say?
I assure you, it’s just you. You probably haven’t been here long enough to see my good comments on the great pictures in the past. These just weren’t as good.
the original picture was a submission by my friend and it sucks that this used the same pic and pretty much the same joke but still i guess thats just a testament to how good the original was
Yeah. The original was better.
“Whoa! Joo a woman!?” Or something along those lines.
And that just makes this picture seem all the more pathetic, because it uses the same meaning, but with different context.
I’d rate this a 3 at most. Maybe 2 and a half, but that’s not possible, so I’ll just give it a 2.
@Valdis M.
I made two pics that aren’t perverted.
@Captain Random
That made me smile. I love it when people say what’s on my mind.
Wow i cant even believe this got put on here. I sent this in FOREVER ago. I dont even have the original anymore lol. Im not going to say i sent it in before the “Joo a woman?!” picture because i cant remember, but it was a good while back. Thanks for all who like it and well to everyone else i didnt try to make a copy.
@Captain Random
chill, thats what comments are for. who are you to tell us this? he wanted to know how we felt about the pics and he enabled comments. is it a law at halolz now that we have to love the pics? ah. i see.
Link’s face did it for me. XD