Oongawasquid does not appreciate surprise attacks!
Posted by Shawn Handyside on November 6, 2007 · 12:54 PM |
Categories: Bungie, Halo, Microsoft, Sneak Attack, Stop... Hammer Time, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 10 Comments |
Let’s go clubbin’
*blue guy kills and teabags red guy*
*red guy respawns and kills blueguy over his own corpse and teabags blue*
*blue respawns and kills red then teabags*
next thing you know, there’s 30 corpses in one small area
This is like Mario using the hammer in Donkey Kong game! You even can hear the little tune…
Protect yer rear.
Yay for sniping with the pistol
I’m making replica halo weapons once I get a new band saw, so I was wondering if anyone wants mebbe an SMG or Plasma Pistol or something.
I’d take a Spartan laser. Assuming it works.
Also, this shot looks cartoony and wonderful.
So far, I’m making 3 SMGs, 2Covenant Carbines and a Gravity hammer (For me, of course.).
You’ll have to wait.
“liek teh baby seel”
hey, whats that old saying, about the nail that sticks out….
carbine if u can…plz metal-plate where u melee
o bi th way….how much